UK Nerf

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Toy Fair 2015 - Warm Up

With less than a month to go before the 2015 London Toy Fair, I thought it'd be a pretty good idea to start getting ready.

2015 will actually be the 5th year I have attended the Toy Fair and the 3rd year I have covered it for UK NERF. Although it's a hectic and fairly stressful day out, it is a great opportunity to meet up with the bods at Hasbro Europe and take a look at some of this years most hotly anticipated blasters. At the beginning of 2014, we got an exclusive hands on look at the new Zombiestrike blasters and Demolisher 2-in-1. So what could be in store for the 2015 event?

Saturday 20 December 2014

New Zombiestrike Blaster?

Hasbro's mail-outs are usually a fairly dry affair, but the most recent Christmas email contained a very interesting graphic.

Looks like there will be a big announcement on Boxing Day, but what could it be?

German blog recently went on a visit to Hasbro HQ in Germany and managed to give us a glimpse of a brand new ZS blaster. Could this be what all the fuss is about?

Fire up that rumour mill and let us know what you think.


Looks like all that excitement was for nothing. Despite having officially released the blaster weeks ago, Hasbro's big boxing day announcement turned out to be the Zombiestrike Flipfury. Rather disappointing really. Thanks Hasbro.

Friday 19 December 2014

Blasterparts 'Banana' Clip: Review

I love receiving parcels. Every time I hear the postman's abrupt, officious knock at the door I turn into a small boy at Christmas, dashing to the door to see which recent purchase I'd be playing with next. So imagine my surprise and confusion when I receive an international parcel that I was not expecting.

Looking at the label, I see the word 'Blasterparts' and that small boy feeling wells up inside me once more as I realise what the parcel might contain.