UK Nerf

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Nerf Elite Alpha Trooper CS-12- Update

Like many of you, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of the Nerf Elite Alpha Trooper CS-12 ever since we learned of it's existence.

But when the advertised release date of March 1st came and went, my heart dropped at the thought of having to wait even longer. I have recently been travelling around the UK with work and took the opportunity to visit as many Argos stores as I could. I have since been to Newcastle, Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Nottingham , Liverpool and London but to no avail. 15 stores in total and not a whisper of the Elite version of my favourite blaster.

After asking the good people of Argos via their Facebook page, I received this exciting response:

"I have checked this for you and further stock is due on 8th April, please check our website on or around this date for up to date information".

So there you have it folks. Not long now!


  1. Just picked one up at Argos.

    1. Same with me, and its as good as i thought it would be and mabey better

  2. I'm so glad they're starting to turn up. I'll try my local Argos when I get back home.

    Really excited about this one!
