UK Nerf

NERFing in the UK

In an effort to promote the hobby here in Great Britain, we have compiled a list of all of the UK based organisations that can help you with all of your nerfy needs.

The BritNerf forums are home to the British NERF community. Our members are passionate about the hobby and the forum provides us with a place to share projects and ideas and to organise some of the UK's biggest NERF wars. Sign up now and you can join discussions with some great people and make some new friends.

Blastersmiths UK supply everything you need to support your foam blaster hobby. Their products include upgrade springs, 3D printed parts and accessories and tactical gear specifically designed for NERF blasters. If you can't find what you're looking for, they can probably build it for you using their bespoke service.

UKNerfWar provide a full blaster customisation service. Whether you're looking to have your blaster painted or modified to look just the way you want it, or if you're looking for that extra bit of power to give you the edge in battle, we are here to help. We offer free advice to anyone looking to get into the hobby or looking to make their next purchase and we also offer a repair service should the worst happen and have access to a huge range of spare parts for most blasters. Not only do we provide all of that, but we also sell parts and accessories for the majority of blasters. If you need a new stock or barrel, just get in touch.

University NERF Societies

Many universities have some form of NERF society. This often takes the form of a Humans vs. Zombies but many societies run other games as well. Some even welcome non-students to their games but you will need to contact your local university student union to find out more. Know NERF societies include:
Aberystwyth, Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Derby, Durham, Exeter, Falmouth, Leeds, Lincoln, Plymouth, Portsmouth, RHUL, Stafford.

Live Action Role Play

Live Action Role Play (LARP) groups usually run games spanning several days. Often more involved than conventional NERF wars, players have to create a character and are guided through an immersive world of strange creatures and tense scenarios. Many LARP groups are based in science fiction and use NERF blasters in their games, details for some of these can be found below:

Big Damn Heroes- Kent - Sci-Fi - Link
Dark Sun - E. Sussex - Post apoc. - Link
Dark Tempus - Manchester - Post apoc. - Link
Green Cloaks - E. Sussex - Sci-Fi - Link
HIVE - Leicester - Post apoc. - Link
Wasteland UK - Coventry - Post apoc. - Link
No Rest for the Wicked - Angus - Warhammer 40K - Link

If you have business or run events that are related to the hobby, get in touch and we can add your link to the page and help others find you.


  1. Hello

    Please can I have a Head quarter contact to discuss use of the Nerf logo. Thanks.

    1. You can contact me via my G+ profile or via my website. Always happy to help where I can.

  2. can you help me find fellow nerfers in Newcastle (or surrounding area) please

    1. Hey there buddy,

      Your best bet for finding nerfers near you is the Britnerf forum. Sign up and have a look around.

  3. Where are the Nerf wars? there are non in the UK

    1. There are loads in the UK. You're just not looking in the right place.

      Join the BritNerf forum (link in the article) and either host your own using our guidelines or wait for someone else to host. You may have to wait until the summer though.

  4. where do i find nerf wars i cardiff wales cant see any on britnerfforum

    1. Hey there. The nearest group to Cardiff is just over the river in Bristol. There are a few BritNerf members from South Wales so perhaps you could get in touch with them about creating a group in Cardiff.
