Sunday 30 December 2012

Nerf Elite Strongarm - UK Review

Hey guys, I thought it was about time I started reviewing the new Elite blasters.

The following is a review by my good friend MerryUnBirthday from BritNerf. I asked him to review some of the Elite blasters for the blog for two reasons. A, He is hilarious and B, he doesn't mod. Both very important qualities but the latter means that he can review a blaster without the inevitable speculation on how to mod it.

So without any further ado, here is MerryUnBirthday with his review of the Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm.

Monday 17 December 2012

Nerf Elite Firestrike and Stryfe Spotted in the UK at ASDA

My weekly shop is usually a dull affair. Carrots, butter, milk... But wait a minute, what's that?