Saturday, 26 September 2009

Nerf Strikefire Dart Tag set : Review!

Welcome to Uknerf's first review, the Nerf strikefire dart tag set.

The set includes two Nerf Strikefires, two tagger vests, two pairs of strange looking glasses and 12 tagger darts. It cost a £19.99 in all which is great value for what you get. The Strikefire is a single shot manual load pistol, i personally like the rapid fire guns but you need some back up when you need to pump your primary. The ranges of this gun stock are awesome about 25- 30 feet, i added another o-ring to each so mine get about 35 feet. Another good thing about this gun is how many darts it can hold, six in total (including the one that shoots). The gun is easy to move around with and fun to dual wield, a bit hard to reload though.

Nerf Strikefire Dart Tag box - front.

Nerf Strikefire Dart Tag Box - back.

Nerf Strikefire - Green.

Nerf Strikefire - Orange.

Nerf Strikefire - Front On View.

Nerf Strikefire - Internals.

Nerf Strikefire Dart Tag - complete set.

Nerf Strikefire - Test Fire.

So, overall a great gun that packs a powerful punch, and great for when you need some back up when your primary jams or needs to be pumped. :)

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Welcome to UKnerf!

Hi uk nerfers,
welcome to UKnerf! be sure to follow and comment if you have any advise!
Until then keep nerfing!